This was a fun, interesting, revealing and 'GREECE-E' history lesson at the Jaquette home school this week! The LAST Sail-boat battle... .....out-sourcing new leaders... ....more soldiers fighting in 'skirts'... ....turkey and greece..... ....Greek Patriot Priest Gregorious hanged by the Muslims...
WE ALL learned about the history and beginnings of BRAZIL last week! Portugal....Napolean's sister in-law....Rio De Janeiro....all the DOM's....etc. in honor of the Thomas & Susanna Smoak in Sao Paulo! [ have you noticed the last 2 marker boards have had 'bays' in them! ]
another history lesson last week was the serendipity connections with Abe, Audubon & Darwin.... click on the board for a closer look! (try to find lucy waving good-bye to john) 'pardon the glare'