Monday, October 11, 2010

The Daily Zoo 2

I checked out this book THE DAILY ZOO - YEAR 2 from
our Eugene Library and it is such a great inspirational, creative book!
Written AND DRAWN by Chris Ayers who has been battling cancer
and this is his therapy...drawing some creative animal each day!
I was drawn in (no pun intended) by his battle, honesty,
creativity, insight and perseverance.
I just checked out the book YESterday!
I'll have to blow the dust on my sketchbook,
i'm such a sketch-wimp compared to Chris.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Les Paul and Mary Ford

of the MONTH (CAM)!

Double Album CD of
Bye Bye Blues and Les And Mary.
Les Paul's guitar play is/was
light years ahead of our time
- his sound was/is so captivating!


Not ' MADE IN CHINA ' anymore?
Now 'they're' made in P.R.C. * !?!!
I noticed this on the back of
Isabel's new set of AIM
(Revolution) toothbrushes!

* (PRC = People's Republic of China)

New Trade term? People tired of MADE IN CHINA?
PRC sound cool, cyber and tech?
+ PLUS...i found out what the new
LS Underground album, PTSD means!
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder!
(i know...i'm the last one to know)