Tuesday, July 26, 2016

guest illustrator!!!

For my Register Guard'Ticket to the Movies' contest envelope this week,
i asked a guest illustrator and shoe designer create an envelopefor me! 
The artist was willing to render another shoe and his name is
Daniel Jaquette
Thanx Daniel, i'll share the prize w/ you!
Nike Shoe Designer 2B!

Monday, July 18, 2016

ytttm's envelope #5

TRUE STORY from last week (july 14) in The Register Guard
Softball team raffles off ASSault rifle!
A Portland area girls softball team is raffling off an AR-15 rifle to raise $$
to compete in a California tournament later in July! 
google to see more...

Sunday, July 3, 2016

envelope #3...

...for The Register Guard
'Your Ticket to the Movies Contest'

Happy 4th of July
point the bottle rockets away from your friends
a new fire-bug on a bottle-rocket illy